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We harvest our own Sea Moss ! Our product is all natural and are hand picked by myself and my family from the Caribbean Sea . Unlike most sea moss suppliers that used Clorox to clean their sea moss . We use vinegar and lemon ! We keep our sea moss in its natural state .
The Turmeric glow is the best . I had bad skin . I’ve tried it all including Lamer . Nothing works . I’ve been using your turmeric Glow for only two weeks and I’ve notice a big difference. It’s crazy how the simple things work . I used it everyday. Just placed another order!
Nicola Augustine
My name is Nicola Augustine. I am a celebrity Hairstylist. I started this company after my personal six month experience with using Sea Moss. I am Anemic and suffered from extreme dizzy spells. I was also diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, also called underactive thyroid or low thyroid, a disorder of the endocrine system in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. It can cause a number of symptoms, such as poor ability to tolerate cold, a feeling of tiredness, constipation, depression, and weight gain. Conventional medication did not work. The side effects left me feeling worse than I was before taking them. After a little research looking for alternative natural medication to treat my condition, I came upon ChrondrusCrispus better known as Sea Moss and my life completely changed for the better.
I went directly to the source and harvested my Sea Moss myself. I returned to the United States with so much of the product that I realized I wouldn’t be able to keep it and decided to sell some of it. Within a day I had sold over 50 pounds of Sea Moss; so many people knew about the miraculous benefits of Sea Moss. More importantly, they realized that my grade of Sea Moss was actually a better grade that what they were previously buying. I did not realize that Sea Moss could be pool grown, I also did not know that some companies were bleaching their products to give it a white look. Here at SeaMossnSpice I personally hand pick and harvest my Sea Moss from the Caribbean Sea. I guarantee your Sea Moss and Sea Moss affiliated products will always be fresh and authentic.
The results of my personal experience and those of my committed customers are astounding; I no longer suffer from dizzy spells, my thyroid is miraculously under control, and I am losing weight. Customers back pain and knee pain are nonexistent. My hair is growing and my skin is glowing. Sea Moss is life and life is beautiful!
Always consult your healthcare provider with questions regarding a medical condition before consuming Sea Moss